About Me
- 🏫 Currently a PhD Student @ University of Waterloo CS. Member of HCI and Health Lab, Waterloo HCI Lab.
- 🏆 Provost Doctoral Entrance Reward for Women.
- 🏫 Earned Master’s in Computer Science at Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
- 💻 Proficient in Python, Java, C, SQL. Well-versed in Object-Oriented concepts, Data Structures, and Algorithms. Now learning Unity and C# under own capacity.
- 🤖️ Specializing in the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and healthcare, I focus on enhancing public health through multi-modal interactive technologies, including conversational agents, virtual and augmented reality, and mobile and web applications.
- ⚙️ Worked in Relational Agents Group as a Research Assistant.
- 📑 P.Murali, M.Arjmand, M.Volonte, Z.Li, J.Griffith, M.Paasche-Orlow, and T.Bickmore. 2023. Towards Automated Pain Assessment using Embodied Conversational Agents. In Companion Publication of the 25th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI ‘23 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 131–140. https://doi.org/10.1145/3610661.3617132
Me Before CS:
- ⚖️ Earned a LLB degree in Durham University, College of St’Hild & St’Bede, United Kingdom.
- ☀️ LLM (Master of Laws) with Graduate Certificate in Technology and Entrepreneurship Law from University of Southern California, LA.
- 🌲 Possessing Chinese Legal Qualification (Since 2020).
Fun facts:
- 💬 Mandarin, English, Japanese (Intermediate), and still learning more…
- 🌍 5 years in the UK, 3 years in the US, new to Canada (still counting)…
Out of Research I like:
- 📷 Old-school film photography.
- ⛰️ Nature and hiking.
- 📖 Literature and History.
- 🏸️ Badminton & ⚽️ Soccer/Football.
Let’s stay in touch:
- 📧 christinalizx@gmail.com
- 💼 https://www.linkedin.com/in/zixi-li-3a12b118a/
- Feel free to reach out for roles and insights.
- If you are transiting or preparing to transit into the field of Technology from Social Science areas and have concerns/questions, feel free to reach out too :)